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Again and again

I don’t ever want to be done.

Bent double


Struck down

Lightning piercing the fabric of my being

Heart shards create grooves in my love-stained life


Arms reach out to cradle my heavy bones

Our tears our own holy water

I make a cross over his heart;

Ocean-deep devotion.

He holds me until I disintegrate 

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust


A mother's spark whispered into the ether 

Sets aflame the kindling of my life

A love so powerful it stretched across aeons to reach me


Engulfed and enlivened

Moonlight sculpts my edges

Her soft radiance is a welcome embrace

As stars etch pinpricks of light on my darkness


Songs of the sun

Its rays caressing my dimpled cheek

A constant lover 


His mouth searching my crevices

My mouth screaming ecstasy 

Penetrated by God

Fucked by him.

Two bodies, two souls

Black and wild


I rise again.

― Tiffany Hamilton-Attkins