A Monthly Subscription. Virtual Gatherings in Community to become all you are meant to become.

A virtual monthly ongoing subscription, a sacred online space for beings committed to embodying and expressing our wholeness & fullness, embracing our emotions as a spiritual practice, opening our hearts, and healing together, in community.
Hi Soul Friends!
I’m Adriana and I am here to hold Love Herself as the highest guiding light in our lives. Learning how to stay centered, and how to find your center in the midst of chaos and change…is our specialty.
Given the state of the world, it makes sense that we have to commit to the inner work to be able to access the joy, worth, play, pleasure, and purpose that is our birthright.
Freedom and love live within, and the body is a vessel to allow the Love of Source to move into this world. We know just how to help you create safety in your system so you can gather the tools you need to feel free in your body. Maybe you feel this is the year that is pivotal for your growth and expansion as a practitioner and/or artist and change agent in your life.
If you are looking for a community that refuses to buy into the systems that say we should fear our body or that keep us stuck in cycles of unworthiness and smallness, you are in the right place!
In Body Temple Community we affirm the human experience for the sake of liberation, both personal and collective.
The school Body Temple and this body of work that flows through us is the service I have been initiated into.
I have been training and studying the languages of the body and esoteric knowledge, somatic and spiritual work for 17 years and training others to facilitate for 8 of those years.
I am endlessly blown away by how much more is possible when we come together to heal, transform and take our work out into the communities where we are meant to serve.
When you are a deeply feminine being, meaning you care about the ways we are all interconnected and choose to live from a space of relatedness…
you need strong containers and boundaries to hold all the Shakti and what wants to be birthed through you.
Together, we learn how imperative co-regulation is with nature, in community, and with Source Herself.
Welcome to our Monthly Subscription: our somatic + spiritual Virtual love GatherINGs
What OUR Subscription membership includes:
3 live & recorded 90-minute Somatic Body Temple Dance classes
+ 1:1 coaching time in group classes and playlists
Fridays 10 - 11:30 am PST
A Yoni Mapping & Breathwork Workshop
A Traditional Tantra + Fire Ceremony Workshop + Group Practice
Audio recordings to work with and get support in between classes
50% off any Online Retreat
We are devoted to the Love that flows through US, in service to humanity.
Body Temple Dance Friday Classes
Body Temple Dance is a somatic and spiritual wholistic approach and movement made for you to inhabit your body’s authentic pleasure, love, and aliveness.
This movement language and practice welcomes both the shadow and divinity.
Together we weave trauma-informed foundations based on nervous system education, embodied sex education, and traditional Tantric energy healing for self-healing and integration.
Everything we perceive about ourselves and the world comes from the state of our nervous system, yet none of us were taught how to work with this.
We all want to open to greater pleasure, reclaim our passion and live our soul’s purpose but there is a process of slowing and sustainable growing our valley of capacity for receiving.
BT Dance is a practice of prayer in movement with what is and learning how to be with discomfort without shutting down, running away, or attacking.
It is for those who wish to go deeper into the sacred world of somatics, feminine healing arts, movement, and expression as the ultimate healer of intimacy blocks, trauma, and reclaiming our purpose to love here on Earth.
Tantra & Fire Ceremony Workshop
CREATING A SACREd LIFE in Relationship to the real world
Join David Harshada Wagner and Adriana rizzolo to learn about:
❤ The basic practice of tantra and taking it off your meditation cushion and into loving service
❤ We will explore how trauma can be a gateway to greater trust within
❤ What it means to take on the responsibility of keeping a non-dualistic spiritual practice
❤ How tantra can support you through the real wounding and grief that comes up from being in a human body
Find out more about it here.
Yoni Mapping Workshop
unraveling your worth from money and men. connect to the Goddess and experience pleasure, passion, and purpose through vulva and vagina mirror practice and G-Spot mapping.
In this two-hour workshop, we will:
❤︎ Learn the anatomy of the vulva and G-SPOT
❤︎ Use a private (cameras/mics off) guided practice
❤︎ Time to share your experience (this is important to support you)
❤︎ Building trust within your own heart, body, and mind.
❤︎ Healing the root which is connected to our sense of belonging, money, and how we walk in the world.
❤︎ Rewrite the stories we carry about being “not good enough” and “too much” so we can be clear channels of service in the world.
Find out more here.
We heal not because there is something wrong with us
We live in a world where people do not know how to be with grief or work with the intensity that arises when following your soul’s callings.
We should never have to cry alone or experience the levels of loneliness that people do in this day and age, and this is a path to reclaiming power, pleasure, and purpose.
Singing, dancing, sharing our gifts, Earth rituals, grief circles, writing, joy against all odds, and sharing our stories all change the way we store stress in our system.
We walk side by side with broken open hearts to awaken more humility, reverence and heart-centered living and loving.
In somatic work, we are always softening, and moving from fixity to flow. There are good reasons it takes some training to access states like play, joy, pleasure, and rest in this world!
Finding new ways to express ourselves, receiving the support of others, and deepening our relationship with the Mystery.
We love to do this through the nervous system and the work from traditional Tantra.
This Subscription is intended for humans who want to go deeper into their healing and spirituality in an embodied way and expand their capacity to live from a place of love.

temple of shakti:
Monthly Subscription
meet adriana
Adriana Rizzolo is the founder of Body Temple Church, Power of Love School, and the creator of Body Temple Dance. She is a spiritual mentor, somatic healer, writer, adult sex educator, and guide for the great unknown.
Adriana’s offerings have developed through many years of experience with therapeutic yoga training, voice and movement training, trauma release training and somatic education, intimacy and relational healing, devotional practice and study in Tantra & Bhakti Yoga, lived experience “doing the work,” 11 years of sobriety and healing from personal & familial trauma.
Adriana helps people heal trauma and patterns of helplessness, awaken their power, and feel at home in their bodies to start living life in alignment with their soul’s truth. Through her many years of coaching, teaching, and facilitation, she has helped thousands of people around the world awaken to their aliveness.