embodied love
tantric fire ceremony
A BODY TEMPLE masterclass for Mystics who care about the world and cultivating sustainable love
with Adriana Rizzolo & Harshada Wagner
THEME: dissolvING shame, tendING to the stories that have shaped us, and reclaiming our voices in devotion to something greater.
Sign up below to get a reminder the week and morning of.
Trauma shapes our bodies through deeply ingrained patterns and stress responses in our nervous systems. Engaging with these patterns thoughtfully can lead to profound embodied liberation.
Our bodies communicate in diverse languages. At Body Temple, we not only teach you to decipher these languages, but we also guide you in creating enriching spaces where you can practice and connect within a community.
Our emotional body plays a pivotal role. The way we connect with others can transform our experiences and the world around us. We offer you pathways to work deeply with your subconscious, empowering you to become a catalyst for your own transformation.
Acknowledging the cycle of life and death, and aligning with the pains and pleasures of existence, enhances our understanding of our body's responses to relationships and the environment. This deep understanding paves the way for a more profound love and the transformation of pain into a powerful force for fulfilling your life's purpose… which is TO LOVE.
Transmute the cycles of trauma—including grief, anger, love, stagnation, and the essence of your soul. This transformation expands your capacity to embrace life amidst challenges and to awaken your intuitive ancestral wisdom and vitality.
The more we come together in community—to dance, to rest, to share—the greater the influence our creativity has in guiding us back to our bodies, hearts, minds, and spirits. In this shared space, we find true grounding, a place where we encounter the deep satisfaction that external circumstances cannot provide.
We gather to redefine how we connect, creating waves of consciousness that liberate us from the confines of capitalism and patriarchy.
When we unite with intention and reject conditioned ways of being, we empower ourselves to reshape our reality.
We get to hold space to relate in new ways, that welcome depth, muddiness and both our fierce and tender hearts.
If your work isn’t both inside and outside, it’s time to growl yourself free of patriarchal spirituality and enter the realm of ritual and worship of the Mother.
We work with the Dark Mother, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kali, Durga, Kindalini Ma, all the Mary’s, all the forms of Shakti, Lilith and the pure insanity that you must possess at times to walk this path of Love.
No matter how hard it can be to keep going at times, we can work together to surrender to the Goddess and create right relationship here on earth. This is our birthright. This is Eros. This is belonging.

Every month we gather around fire to be reminded that we can transform and be nourished.
Even amidst challenges and uncertainty, when we come together, we heal. When we gather in (virtual) circle around the fire to feel and sense there is a great grounded-ness and love we open to.
Bring a candle.
“Body Temple Dance has cracked me open in places that were shut down. I feel a renewed sense of purpose from this time spent together, it's helped me to get more clear on where I'm going and also surrender to the mystery of where I'm at. The coming together of somatic movement, breath, sadhana and community brings with it immense healing that I didn't know I so badly needed. It has been an anchor in a turbulent time.”
CREATING A SACREd LIFE in Relationship to the real world
We can not deny the spiritual or the emotional if we are to embody love as big as we came to. We will be asked to hold the paradox of grief and awe, loss and love, aliveness and death, humor and despair, agony and ecstasy, sorrow and all that becomes sacred living, in the initiation the mystical path of love will welcome us into.
Join David Harshada Wagner and Adriana rizzolo to learn about:
❤ The basic practice of tantra and taking it off your meditation cushion and into loving service
❤ We will explore how trauma can be a gateway to greater trust within
❤ What it means to take on the responsibility of keeping a non-dualistic spiritual practice
❤ How tantra can support you through the real wounding and grief that comes up from being in a human body

this free class iS fOR YOU IF YOU:
❤ Are committed to healing patterns of abandonment that have left you feeling unworthy or overwhelmed.
❤ Desire to forge new, healthier patterns in your relationships with those you know and love.
❤ Wish to build community from a genuine desire to give and receive love, engaging in spiritual labor that truly matters.
❤ Are looking to heal and transform your relational dynamics.
❤ Have questions about what Tantra is, how somatic work can release subconscious blocks, and are eager to dive deeper into these practices!
“I’ve deepened my relationship with myself, others and the Divine. I’ve soaked up so much wisdom, shared by Adriana and everybody in the container. Unraveling all the shame. Experiencing my broken open heart.”
Adriana Rizzolo
As the founder of Body Temple, spiritual mentor, sex educator for women, trans* and non binary folks, speaker, grief and aliveness doula, Tantric meditation, energy healing and embodied movement facilitator, Adriana helps people heal trauma and patterns of helplessness, awaken their power and feel at home in their bodies to start living life in alignment with their soul’s offerings and cultivating sexy, secure relationships.
Harshada Wagner
Harshada David Wagner is a master meditation instructor, author, artist, dad, and wisdom teacher with more than 25 years of teaching experience. Classically trained in the wisdom traditions of Yoga, Bhakti, Vedanta, and Tantra, his teachings come from his decades of working with people helping them learn to live more fulfilling, soul-centered, purpose driven lives. The Sanskrit name Harshada was given to him by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda in 1996, meaning "the bringer of joy, laughter, and delight".
Community LOVE
“If you are ready to step out of healing as a form of correction/elimination and step into embodied love and authentic relationality... @artofloving and her offerings hold space for the feminine path on which this naturally emerges and nurtures the remembrance of your Self as divine love. Forever grateful for your fierce devotion and all the ways you show up and serve this world.“ — Alli songstress, voice liberator, dark Goddess doula and mentor
“The levels of love and community in my life has amplified. I initially signed up for BTD training to take steps out of a depressive state. I felt far from the Goddess and myself. *it worked* Everything feels very alive again.”
“Ultimately my biggest takeaway is being able to go so DEEP - into words, self, becoming etc. And being in space with you and so many beautiful souls for so many hours is a powerful experience that I wish I could see out in the real world.”