YONI Mapping workshop
with Adriana
Thursday, February 27th, 9:00 - 11:00a PST
THEME: G spot orgasm and female ejaculation for collective liberation
(Virtual Workshop Live & recorded)
(This Workshop is part of our monthly subscription - please join us here and then cancel anytime!)
every month we come together to learn how to access our internal Map, So a bridge is built between our spirit, our bodies, and the earth.
Are you ready to own your womb health and sexuality and directly experience Goddess through your body?
We Gather to go on a journey as if we were going to visit a temple together.
But the temple is your body.
On this journey, we will move slowly with consent and learn how to listen to the messages through sensations and images that will arise from us.
approaching our bodies with much devotion.
And in the context of community, we will have an opportunity to actually see and receive the transmission, not only of our vulva but also of our g spot.
The conscious touch practice that we do is a form of self-care that every woman in person with a vulva needs for their health and wellness.
We were not given this type of sex education and we were actually told this part of us doesn't even exist when it is a powerhouse of emotional healing and connection.
Come learn about what it means to be rooted in your body and connected to an incredible energy of creativity, and sensuality and discover the truth of your authentic sexuality in a space of non-judgment and healing.
This is about learning to acknowledge that our body matters.
we can break through the starkness that comes from our inability to be with our bodies simply because we were socialized to keep God and our pussy in separate rooms, but not any more.

As scary as it was for me at first to open to my body because of how much trauma has been held there, this practice in particular has been the most uplifting, nourishing, transformative, and healing spiritual or somatic work I have done.
OWNING OUR DESIRE IS ESSential FOR HEALING Connected TO OUR ROOT BE IT MONEY, sexuality, life, intimacy, or emotion.
Learning from the wisdom of your womb while getting to know the magic that is your vulva and vagina has the power to connect you to this world in ways no spiritual practice can.
It’s time for women’s, queer, and trans* folks’ voices and experiences of being both in a body and in a loving relationship with God to be shared and held sacred.
This practice is a simple, profound, and powerful way to bring your spirituality into your body and day-to-day living.
We already know we are not separate from Spirit and from the Earth, and it is our honor to learn how to live that way.
“This is the sex education that every person with a vagina deserves.
I truly feel as though I have come home to my own body.
Learning about the anatomy of the female prostate and its connection to the vagus nerve has empowered me in my relationship with my body unlike anything else in my life.
It has demystified so much, healed so much shame, and shown me exactly how much pleasure is available to me from within my own body.
Everyone with a vagina deserves to have this information.
Adriana is a wonderful guide whose approach is inclusive, trauma-informed, and guided by reverence for the divinity of our bodies.”
— Caroline Yes
in this virtual workshop, you will unravel your worth from money and men, connect to the Goddess and experience pleasure, passion, and purpose through vulva and vagina mirror practice and G-Spot mapping.

You can learn orgasmic breathwork and so many things about your sexuality (that are great) but really learning to slow down enough to listen to what your body wants to tell you, is such a healing gift.
Because of the relative safety, we can create online through being in the privacy of our own homes, we feel so excited to share with you this powerful practice of both seeing your innate beauty and power and learning how to get in touch with your emotional and physical sensation of your G-Spot.
As spiritual practitioners, it is super important we learn how to ground ourselves in the body and
the matter; the literal Earth of our flesh.
This practice is not about the goal of orgasm or ejaculation (although that is possible).
It is more to give you an opportunity to reclaim the healing power of your sexuality, emotional body, and your innate courage.
“My time in Body Temple allowed me to meet myself in a place I had been afraid to venture before.
It gave me permission to expand my capacity through truly meeting, holding, loving on, and moving with my G-Spot.
This part of me that had made myself wrong out of ignorance, has allowed me to soften my edge of receivership with the Divine.
I’ve now been able to share and show this to lovers and deepen our intimacy together.
After living 16 years with an eating disorder, this practice was so vital to get me back in my body. Gently. Slowly. And with the understanding, there is no goal. Adriana is a true gift in how she sees individuals and loves them through their expansion into the depths of their true power.”
— @parris_hodges
In my experience, the depths of discovery that comes along with sexual education actually empower us
—as opposed to giving us more reasons to feel less than—
is super grounding and healing.
We will share a breath practice for grounding AND VAGUS NERVE TONING, and give you specific guidance on setting yourself up to nurture the DIVINITY IN THE EARTH OF YOUR BODY.
“WOW. After learning the G-Spot practice, I feel like a new person.
My voice is already different.
Like a lot of what has bound me exploded at that moment. I can see how that could not have happened just sitting in meditation.”
–LF, Sacred Sexuality attendee
In this two-hour workshop we will:
❤︎ Learn the anatomy of the vulva and G-SPOT
❤︎ Use a private (camera’s/mics off) guided practice
❤︎ Time to share your experience (this is important to support you in).
❤︎ Building trust within your own heart, body and mind.
❤︎ Healing the root which is connected to our sense of belonging, money, and how we walk in the world.
❤︎ Rewrite the stories we carry about being “not good enough” and “too much” so we can be more clear channels of service in the world.
“Somehow I’d just never actually learned that’s what/where a G spot was!
I feel way closer to myself just knowing it’s there and part of me
The guided experience was also a huge emotional release. Lots of grief and fear and even anger. Much of it feels ancestral.
I think I was/am storing a ton of pain in that area, and didn’t have access to it before now! Feels like a whole new portal. Not sure how to thank you enough for that.”
*ALL bodies with a vagina, sexual orientation, and gender expressions are welcome.*
*must be 21+ years of age
[Please read the Disclaimer and Consent terms below before registering for this event.]
*Disclaimer and Consent on Registering for this event:
By registering to this event, I agree to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of all participants regarding anything they have shared or processed.
By registering, I agree this will be a safe space of openness where cultural, historical, generational, sexual, societal, and personal differences are respected without judgment, criticism or harm.
By registering, I agree to not share the Zoom link, video recording or any resources obtained from this workshop.
By registering, I agree to keep my camera and mic off during the mirror guided practice, to ensure others safety and respectful boundaries.
By registering I authorize a recording of this class, only for the facilitator to use for those that have signed up for the workshop but cannot be present and for a later audio-practice of the guided portion that will be shared only to those that participated and registered.
By registering I agree that neither Adriana Rizzolo, Body Temple Church, Power of Love School or any Body Temple Church staff have any responsibility or liability for my participation in viewing or participating in this workshop, and I hereby release them from all claims in connection.
"When we connect with the shared knowledge that pours from the blood wisdom of women's experience and knowing,
then it is as if we re-discover what we ourselves already know deep within ourselves"
– Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
meet Adriana
Adriana Rizzolo is the founder of Body Temple Church, Power of Love School, and the creator of Body Temple Dance. She is a spiritual mentor, somatic healer, writer, adult sex educator, and guide for the great unknown.
Adriana’s offerings have developed through many years of experience with therapeutic yoga training, voice and movement training, trauma release training and somatic education, intimacy and relational healing, devotional practice and study in Tantra & Bhakti Yoga, lived experience “doing the work,” 11 years of sobriety and healing from personal & familial trauma.
Adriana helps people heal trauma and patterns of helplessness, awaken their power, and feel at home in their bodies to start living life in alignment with their soul’s truth. Through her many years of coaching, teaching, and facilitation, she has helped thousands of people around the world awaken to their aliveness.