enrollment to unleashed ‘24/ ‘25 is now closed!!

If you want to join us in next year’s Teacher Training Cohort please sign up to the waitlist below for Unleashed ‘25/ ‘26


“The training has made be a better educator - in ensuring my facilitation provides context so that participants can build an understanding of why we do the practices beyond doing it because it feels good or better.

I hope that everyone gets the opportunity to experience the Divinity within themselves... that’s why it’s important for me to share this back out into the world.” C.S

“If you are ready to step out of healing as a form of correction/elimination and step into embodied love and authentic relationality... @artofloving and her offerings hold space for the feminine path on which this naturally emerges and nurtures the remembrance of your Self as divine love. Forever grateful for your fierce devotion and all the ways you show up and serve this world.“ — Alli songstress, voice liberator, dark Goddess doula and mentor

“The training has given me newfound confidence, an unraveling so deeeeep within that is has stoked the fire in me to make life changing decisions

This Body Temple facilitation has been greater than I ever could have hoped for.” O.R

“The levels of love and community in my life has amplified. I initially signed up for BTD training to take steps out of a depressive state. I felt far from the Goddess and myself. *it worked* Everything feels very alive again.

Today I held my first class. IT WAS SO FUN. I LOVE MAKING PLAYLISTS. I LOVED BRINGING IN ASTROLOGY AND THE UNIQUE MOMENT OF TIME WE WERE IN. I loved facilitating a practice that I am participating in, where I don’t have to guess where people are because I am there with them.” T.P

“When I entered the course my intention was a combination of wanting leadership practice as well as some selfish motivation of knowing I need deeper healing work and the training was VERY healing!

Ultimately my biggest takeaway is being able to go so DEEP - into words, self, becoming etc. And being in space with you and so many beautiful souls for so many hours is a powerful experience that I wish I could see out in the real world.”A.Z

“BTD Teacher Training was a rapturous homecoming to all of the parts of me that will never be enough for a sickly emaciated society. It taught me language, the language of my body, my soul, my shadow, my light my spirit and the union of all in connection to the greater body of humanity, earth and divinity. It taught me PERMISSION. 

What I did get far superseded all that I consciously could have hoped for. I want To give my deepest Souls Gratitude to you Adriana, this priceless gift you have empowered me with can only be repaid by empowering others with this incredible power of love. My eternal Gratitude teacher. Jai Ma!”M.J

“This training was such a beautiful healing container where I felt held, supported and allowed to open my heart, to cry, laugh, scream, dance, to welcome all my emotions and to kiss my wounds with softness and tenderness.

What I most appreciated during the training was the possibility to be seen and to express our authentic voice, our vulnerable and intimate self without any judgment. I always felt that there was no topic that was too much or too taboo and it was truly liberating.”A.F

“Giving is my gift AND my wound. Building capacity for this dance between expansion-contraction, finding more ease in the endless cycle of moving from fixity to flow

I’ve deepened my relationship with myself, others and the Divine. I’ve soaked up so much wisdom, shared by Adriana and everybody in the container. Unraveling all the shame. Experiencing my broken open heart.” S.E

“What did I love? Truly, everything. I experienced countless moments of wonder and humility at the shining divinity of each person in the group and at the generosity of your service in sharing your gifts. Thank you.

I felt my capacity grow, the image of an earthen bowl expanding inside me, holding space for others, while minding my spine. This space helped me create distance from the hook of codependency, empowering occasional triumphs and more aware stumbles. I gained more freedom.”N.M

“Adriana is the pure embodiment of Shakti. Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Radha — all pulsate and move through Adriana in a beautiful dance that will love you to your core. This work is revolutionary, Adriana is revolutionary. Generosity and joy radiate from her being. She gives so much and is genuinely lit up by it. She has given more in this training than all of my other teacher training combined. Her generosity is unmatched.

I learned how to hold all parts of me, I learned how to move in and out of regulation. I received so much Somatic Education and Ritual rooted in the Tantric tradition.”A.F

“What I received through this training though has been so much more than just the ability to facilitate. I feel like a different person. This past 9 months has been so healing to me. I have learned more about myself,  the nervous system, our window of tolerance, the vagus nerve, how to expand my capacity for feeling both physically and emotionally, tools to work with the nervous system and especially how we move from freeze

Adriana creates a special space that feels sacred and will compassionately hold you no matter what. She shares and is so authentic.”P.T

“The last 9 months gave me the permission I needed to dive deeper into self-to feel into my body without fear-with permission of self to explore-to be curious and excited about all the things I found.

This training has gifted me so much in my personal life but also with working with clients. Somewhere in between who I was and who I thought I needed to be I found who I was meant to be.”K.L

“I am grateful beyond words for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon my life since first taking the teacher training in 2021, and only have continued to grow, deepen and expand in my personal practice, relationships and embodied healing + soul practices, with the help of Adriana and all of the support here. It truly is so essential, and I always just have so much gratitude to give.

Love you guys so much. Thank you for supporting me, and showing me, I CAN do it! *cry*”A.M

“So to sum it up as well as I can I have noticed a “working with” myself instead of a “working against” myself shift since being part of this community. I have come to embrace my body, my a lotness, and my way of being human. BTD has helped me to accept me (as fully and wholly humanly possible!) I also received a lot of business boundary work while doing BTD and that has contributed immensely to my return to power inside and alongside myself. Being a business owner can be lonely, so the presence of the BTD community is invaluable!

All in all I would do this again and again! So grateful to Adriana and team for this container My life is forever changed! Much love and deep bows!”C.O

“This training has given me so much. Going from predominantly a yoga practice to BTD has expanded my awareness to be more fully alive with my life. Moving with my eyes open, taking up space with my eyes open, and claiming my space has been a profound re-awakening for me. The orientation section of the practice was something new for me and I was surprised how profound that was.

I loved the breakout rooms and really being able to connect with the others in the space. I also appreciated the amount of practice teaching that we got during the 9 months. I think it helped in growing confidence and in knowing that I am capable even now.”E.K

“It feels a bit daunting to try to put into words what I all gained from this experience because it doesn’t feel like it can be put into a particular value.  All I can say, mostly, is that this love has been a mirror - reflecting back to me - a way of being with the pain of the world in a way that is inclusive, compassionate and honest.  I am beyond grateful for the genorosity of your love and the blessings of the Goddess that move through you, Adriana.  For those that are magnetized to your path and voice - as they are my brothers and sisters too…and you have helped me find my way back to a home within myself that I continue to walk toward every day

I learned so much about space holding and facilitation that wildly transformed my ability to be both more authentic and sustainable in my care for my community.”J.P

Community Love

“It feels so validating to acknowledge both spirit and the body. Life and death. The web of both. Not balanced, intertwined!”

“I love the idea of letting go of balance and leaning into finding the best mix for me.”

““Feels so good to be here, nourishing after being go go go.”

“My time in Body Temple allowed me to meet in a place I had been afraid to venture.
It allowed me to expand my capacity by truly meeting, holding, and loving on.”

“I am seeing that focusing on my body sensations can give me a path to reconnect with my inner child and my SELF. I've been pressing myself into a tiny box for so long, I'm struggling to find her (me). This can be MY path!

 “No matter what your age, or if you have never danced in your life, Adriana’s Body Temple Dance opened my body to a new way of loving. In one dance I began to open to my wisdom, my Crone and my connection to Mother Earth. I felt FREE. I had come home to the joy of the wild ride to life.”