BIPOC Body temple Dance

A FREE BODY TEMPLE movement and meditation for all BIPOC folks

led by Adriana contreras

Sunday, February, 23rd 9 - 10.00 AM PST (ONLINE AND RECORDED)

theme: Blood, Bone & Honey: Reclaiming Ancestral Sensuality

This is a homecoming—a return to the body, the blood, and the lineage that pulses beneath your skin.


come join the Embodied love revolution with your brothers, sisters and siblings of color!

In this 1 hour Body Temple dance class we will gather in honor of our roots which stretch as far back as the hands of time.

Through breath, movement, and deep embodiment, we unravel the ancestral stories woven into our bones—the shame, the exile, the silenced pleasure—and we dance them back into power. Lilith, the untamed one, leads us in a sensual reclamation, where we move between restriction and release, honoring the wounds and wisdom of those who came before us.


adriana contreras

A mama of 3 little humans, Adriana has been on the path for 6 years after a sudden spiritual awakening of psychic sensing and energy healing.

Through her journey she’s gained a deeper awareness of what lives within the body by exploring different landscapes of meditation and practices from different spiritual lineages.

She has experience with the mystical through channeling, astrology, energy healing, mediumship, tarot/oracle card readings, womb healing, and ancestral somatic sessions.

Adriana also enjoys practices in emotional integration and different meditation styles rooted in Vajrayana Buddhism, Hinduism and Kabbalistic teachings.

“I see you, soulful one. 


“I see you, soulful one.  *

‘I’m just holding space,’ you say. As if you are not really ‘doing’ anything. 

I see you, touching the shame, the pain, the fear. Digging the foundations of your loving presence deeper and wider. 

I see you, willing to hold the world in your hands, not looking away from the darkness, not pretending to understand. 

I see you, stretching beyond easy answers, the mind-shutting rights and wrongs.

I see you, transformation leader. 

I see you stumbling on shaky legs after uprooting the old ways. Fumbling through the unknown to find a truer home. 

I see your soul surfacing, sharing its tender wisdom in the space you’ve washed clear with your own tears. 

I see your devotion to your own unfolding. The years of practice so you can just hold space 

as a ballerina just dances, as a soprano just sings, as a maestro just plays. 

I see you, embracing it all so you can just hold space for love.”


  • "I am seeing that focusing on my body sensations can give me a path to reconnect with my inner child and my SELF. I've been pressing myself into a tiny box for so long, I'm struggling to find her (me). This can be MY path!"


  • "My first time here. Loved it. Thank you. My body feels more open. Don’t know how else to describe it".


  • "Very powerful practice today. The calming touch was received deeply! Surrender… yes! So much gratitude to the mystery, the universe, Mother Earth, and You".


  • "Lots of aliveness in body and big release in womb area ."


  • "This was my first time coming live and that was so insanely powerful. I wanted to talk about how shocked I was at how pleasurable it is -- every time i've done BTD so far and I feel like that almost freaks me out! But it's so interesting to feel such pleasure from my own movement and imagination."

  • “The class last week helped me open so much up in my shoulders, clavicle, chest, ribs and back. I moved muscles, joints, etc. that have been stuck for years. I can feel the hope that comes along with expansiveness again. Also, just taking time to do nothing has been heart opening. I don’t ever do nothing.”

    Kate Traecy

  • I just finished our class about love. I was able to process so much sadness around feeling unlovable and abandoment. I just cried and cried. Your class, the movement, music, and everything felt like it cracked me open in the best way. I am so grateful. Thank you. - P