our signature Body Temple Program that supports your nervous system and soul in business and intimacy.

for healers and artists who are out there giving their gifts and want to work with greater ease, trust and worth rooted inside.

Begins april - september 2025

A 6-month, intimate Dark Goddess Doula somatic healing coven and training for 13 women and femmes who want to…

→ Get initiated more deeply on the Magdalene path (tenderness and thorns/grief and love/embodied liberation and emotional healing

→ Become better healers and receive work that will truly bring a depth of wisdom that no one could fuck with

→ Get support in love, relationship and business

→ Redefine what a thriving and successful embodied life and business is.

→ Relate from consciousness, love, intimacy, sexuality.

→ Lead (and profit) your business in an intuitive, Femme pleasure and soul-centered way.

(Warning: Your wounded inner masculine will heal along the way.)

To apply read this WHOLE page and book a call to apply if you are sincerely interested.

When I came to Adriana I was bound up in the boxes of who I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to charge as a yoga teacher.  I was tired of over-giving and not getting paid enough but didn't see a way out.  I immediately felt that I could lean into Adriana's embodied wisdom the moment I shared my pain with her: she understood it and had traversed the path out of where I currently was and was ready to hold me as I learned how to do the same.

During our time together I was able to unleash my unworthiness wounds on a somatic level, access layers of soul-creativity and intuitive guidance around my business I had not yet been able to touch, and also restructure the whole damn system in a way that worked for me both financially, emotionally and somatically.

Everything that was dead and dying within me was released and a new version of myself -- sovereign business owner, spiritual teacher, and feminine Goddess -- emerged, giving me confidence, clarity and connection to Spirit in a more deeply embodied way.

Adriana's faith in God/dess, in us and our dreams along with her skillful wisdom was worth every dollar spent on this program, so much so that I intend to work with her in the future to continue to process and uncover whatever else is in the way of my work's continued expansion.

THANK YOU Adriana for freeing me and my work with your steady, wise, unconditionally loving support!  It has meant so much to me. - Erin Alexander

“If you are ready to step out of healing as a form of correction/elimination and step into embodied love and authentic relationality... @artofloving and her offerings hold space for the feminine path on which this naturally emerges and nurtures the remembrance of your Self as divine love. Forever grateful for your fierce devotion and all the ways you show up and serve this world.“ — Alli Songstress, Voice Liberator, Dark Goddess Doula and Mentor

Body Temple’s somatic mystery sch0ol welcomes you to this initiation into the Dark Goddess Doula Business and pleasure Training april 2025:

eros, belonging, CULTIVATING right relationship to eros, sex, death, and money

✔️ 1:1 Deep Dive Session with Adriana

✔️ 3 group 90 min group sessions/month, Wednesdays (Nov-March) 10-11:30a PST

✔️ 2 online half-day retreats, dates TBD

✔️ 1 in person daylong retreat in Ojai CA

✔️ Access to the Temple of Shakti Membership (April-Sept) includes all Friday classes, monthly yoni practice (important for this container) + any other BT online offerings Apr-Sept

✔️ Shameless Goddess Wild Love & Intimacy course

✔️Womb Healer Teacher Training

✔️ WhatsApp group for ongoing community support


Payment plan $1250 over 6 months

Goes up to $9000 on march 15th

As a Taurean embodied business woman, mystic, facilitator, coach, sex educator, a devotee of the Goddess, somatic and spiritual teacher, trauma healer, dancer, singer, artist, and lover of aliveness…

I have been curating my unique approach to somatic and spiritual healing, fully alive for the past thirteen years.

My training is expansive and includes not just my personal work and research, but the experience of hundreds of people I have worked with in-depth, but business.

It breaks my heart that people get lost in addictions instead of their pure passions, and never have the chance to feel love in a real way.

Or when they can make money doing something they hate but not with what they love, what is aligned with their soul.

My story

You are not broken, you are forever becoming.

We can not hold space for others to move through shame if we have yet to walk through our own.

We all need friends in the fertile, at times uncomfortable, underworld of our emotions and life. We are here for you.

I have built a business from the ground up, and I love to share all my secrets with you…including guiding you to write your own story through your felt body and what is true for your life, work and soul.

We believe in the power of teachers being great students, coaches continually being coached, therapists having incredible support in therapy and healers forever opening to their powerful gift of receptivity.

***This program is open to all women and humans with vulvas as we dive into facilitating pelvic health and sex education for vaginas in this space.

We always offer scholarships to BIPOC when applicable and have many options for pricing throughout our programs.


Heal the false separation between grief and love, loss and fertile aliveness! Queer the prayers and pay it forward. Be held in the helpful hands of your ancestors

I encourage you to take some time, or save this page in your browser, to read through it. Take a breath, slow down, and receive it right where you are. That way you can know whether this training is for you.

Dark Goddess is not the scary thing or inappropriate energies the puritanical culture has brainwashed us to believe. She is life. She is death and rebirth. She is the Mother of All.

Jupiter-the planet of expansion and IME letting go so the aligned evolution can occur is in Taurus, the sign of all things body, pleasure, ground, Earthly, values…

and so this entire training is held in the container of expanding our capacity to receive and also serve in the areas of pleasure, intimacy, money, and material reality. The sacred in the mundane. Birth, death, rebirth cycles.

This is a training for those ready to step into a new, more horizontal way of facilitating, leading, and coaching. We will train you how to expand your capacity to hold space for others and heal along the way. To not have to be perfect but to still lead with integrity.

This is a training for teachers, artists, coaches, actors, facilitators, Earth tenders, lovers, and therapists who want to change (or start,) the way they do business, and learn how to work with suffering in ways that stop ignoring and bypassing and start waking us all up to the fruitful relationship to the Mystery.

This is for people who know something wants to be birthed through you, an offering that is unique to you and also deeply rooted in exploring the subconscious, the body, the sacred unknown.

Working with Adriana was like a cosmic launchpad.

I truly feel that I achieved everything I dreamed of as far as starting an online course (and filling it), writing more, growing in my relationship with my beloved.

But way more than that I grew in my emotional capacity, my relationship with holding myself, and my capacity for facilitation in general.

Feeling that life has taken a massive pivot in the direction I wanted to be going. So grateful!” — OLIVIA PAVLOV | AUTHOR & INTIMACY COACH

Some of the topics we’ll cover

→ Strategies and guidance with your business, not in a one size fits all way, but really dig into what is true and authentic for YOU.

→ Sex magic and unraveling our relationship to men and money, expanding your capacity to receive and work with your nervous system in relationships.

→How to disentangle your internal stories around money and your mission and relate to more from the perspective and ultimate goal of liberation.

→ How to know and define what your offerings and services are worth not in your mind but from the perspective of liberation and truth.

→ Guidance into the fullness of your sensual, badass loving self.

→ All of our Sacred Sexuality practices and how this relates to your business, innate capabilities and spiritual practice.

Tools of communication to support clients and others during grief and heart-ache to guide them into true unconditional love.

→ Social Media insights and support around how to use it in a way that is authentic for you and how to dismantle the addictions around it.

→ Becoming a better facilitator, coach, mentor and teacher of individuals and groups.

→ How to open pathways for authentic relating, non-judgmental ease, and healed connection to yourself and your partner(s).

Money Coaching-helping others to process through their own money-bound woundings so they can serve more and expand wider

We have been taught and trained to fear our power. We inherited control, and power over, not inside. This is an initiation into becoming a healer who knows how to work with energetic boundaries, healing your own sense of being in a body so you can support others.

Our perception of reality is largely birthed from the state of our autonomic nervous system. This is why we can meditate for thousands of hours but still hit the same potholes in relationships to love, sexuality and money. We are not isolated beings, we are inter-connected and so as we benefit we have to look at the whole. Learning coherence in our body and being with what is, even when it’s uncomfortable, is possible and does affect the ways we work in the world. How we can show up to teach others how natural it is to heal when we come together.

This is not a training for people who are completely new to healing work. (We have other ways to get started if you’d like!)

This program is for those interested in learning about how the nervous system affects what we attract, especially in the areas of love, sex and money.

Anyone who desires to have a different response to these areas of life and are willing, and able to, look at themselves as a part of how we can support ourselves and others into new realities. Ones that ask us to slow down and come out of the systems of do more, be more, in order to really feel what’s true.

Those who long to express more freely in their offerings, art, and everyday relationships.

Women who long to be in community that goes deep and who want to amplify their devotion to love and the Divine Mother in all her forms.

This 6 month small group container and circle is for those wanting to deepen their capacity as a facilitator, coach, teacher, healer, and lover and find their own way of doing business and relationship that works for you. (must be willing to build safety within and surrender.)

If you know there is something you want and need to give birth to, or you want to restructure your business in some way so you are honoring your boundaries, needs, and what you know you want to be making, this training might be for you.

For those ready to be guided, challenged (by Goddess not me :) and choose this not as “another training,” but as a container to open to listening and then creating what your soul is wanting.

I have helped many women and sensitive humans restructure the way they are working and also get the support they need to expand their capacity for love, money, and intimacy.

When we go through change, inner and outer, there is a death that happens internally. Our nervous system can even go into states where our life threat is activated, and so learning regulation tools and Earth/body-based rituals for yourself and others to work with ego death, transforming patterns in relationships, and changing the ways you relate to money and your own pleasure, is essential for our individual and collective well being.

“The erotic is a measure between the beginnings of our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings. It is an internal sense of satisfaction to which, once we have experienced it, we know we can aspire.

For the erotic is not a question only of what we do; it is a question of how acutely and fully we can feel in the doing.

Within the celebration of the erotic in all our endeavors, my work becomes a conscious decision a longed-for bed which I enter gratefully and from which I rise up empowered.” Audre Lorde

“Work with Adriana. I cannot say it any more directly and simply. She is magic. She will absolutely change how you walk in the world.

Even after an hour, you will feel more love for yourself and everyone else. She is my colleague and friend and I feel beyond blessed to be in any circle she is facilitating. I am infinitely more available and alive when I’m moving with Adriana. .”

— Heidi Rose Robbins

You will get guidance from me (Adriana,) as well as training in grief work, learn to teach pleasure/womb healing work, welcome ancestral wisdom, money support including accounting guidance, and a place to learn how to go deeper in your own shadow work. From here you learn to deeply hold others in their suffering, and get the knowledge, practice and support you need to do so responsibly and in integrity with your values, mission, and unique contribution.

You will receive:

✔️ 1:1 Deep Dive Session with Adriana

✔️ 3 group 90 min group sessions/month (April-Sept) 10-11:30a PST, days TBD

✔️ 2 online half-day retreats, dates TBD

✔️ 1 in person daylong retreat in Ojai CA in April

✔️ Access to the Temple of Shakti Membership (April-Sept) includes all Friday classes, monthly yoni practice (important for this container) + any other BT online offerings Apr-Sept

✔️ Shameless Goddess Wild Love & Intimacy course

✔️Womb Healer Teacher Training

✔️ WhatsApp group for ongoing community support

✔️ A class focused on the Dark Femme aka Queer Witch with Jeff from Cosmic Cousins in your chart Lilith- we will look at the repressed parts of the feminine you came to exalt and give you ways to embody this!

✔️ A month of Grief and Death Doula work with myself and Death Doula/yoga teacher Matthew Dwyer.

✔️ A group session with my amazing accountant woman Adrienne who kicks ass and also prays for me as we go.

✔️ Exploring the Dark Goddesses in the Tantric Traditions will support you in working with being freed from the constrictions that keep you stuck by first learning how to be with them, energetic boundaries, sexuality, creativity, intimacy, aliveness, abundance, accepting what is with greater compassion and ease, and shamelessness.

✔️ Kali, Durga, both sides of Lakshmi, Saraswati, Mantangi, Black Madonna, Rose medicine, St.John’s Wort and Mary Magdalene. Surrendering to the next layer of your own liberation and trust of love’s plan for your life.

✔️You will learn a nervous system and soul approach to your body, creativity, business and pleasure. We will have guest teachers from all over the world to bring in other voices that will support your process.

✔️ Change your relationship to sex, money, death, love and living fully through inner child healing, shadow work, relational intimacy, grief work and the power of being open in a safe and supportive group to getting fierce about your own truth.


Dark Goddess Doula PIF
Dark Goddess Doula 6 month
$1,250.00 every month for 6 months




“I just want to say - how happy I am that we got to connect, that you are offering this work and I listened to my full body yes. As I said your freedom is inspiring to me and being held in that transmission throughout this mentorship has been transformational for me. I always expect and demand MASSIVE changes from these things (quitting my job and the path being crystal clear, I am laughing as I write this) but I am always given the changes I need and am shown an unexplored part of myself. 

I don't think I can thank you enough for gifting me the inspiration to write. Thank you for bearing witness to this (re)birthing of my creative spirit, hearing me and reflecting that which I can not always see in myself and seeing me.

Yesterday's session was profound to touch freedom to feel the enormity of it, the bliss of it, the terror of it, the unbearable fullness of it has already begun to create shifts. Love love love you and praise for your life –TIFFANY HAMILTON ATKINS | writer + yoga teacher/movement artist



⟡ Feel like they have already done enough training

⟡ Are already making $5000 a month consistently

⟡ Get overwhelmed or annoyed with social media (we can help with that and believe in healthy breaks)

⟡ Want to go deeper in their relationship with God/dess and get support uplifting their souls mission here on earth in a real practical, soul-nourishing and fun way



⟡ embody their feminine and lead from a healed masculine within

⟡ work with transforming grief into creativity and get trained in supporting others in this way (death doula level 1 certification)

⟡ learn boundaries in personal and professional settings

⟡ grow ease in being visible and seen without the pressure of performance

⟡ anti-racism and awareness of the shadows around capitalism

⟡ heal ancestral patterning around love and service

⟡ deepen their connection to God in their way

⟡ expand their business and financial freedom

⟡ look at the sacred power in sexuality, service, money…



If you have an ache, a dream and burning desire for the healing of humanity and this planet, this is the place for you to see it through. If you want to hold, or already do hold the space for others grief, and want to take your facilitation, business, and somatic education to the next layer of embodiment this is the mentorship program you want to be in!


What is required and what is the schedule? (dates tbd soon)

From Scorpio season-Piscess season:

  • One on One Deep Dive Session with Adriana

  • 3 group session x month 90 Minute Teaching + Coaching Calls (10-11:30a PT - day TBC)

  • 2 1/2 day retreats online

  • 1 in person daylong in Ojai CA

  • Access to Membership-all classes

  • Shameless Goddess Course

  • Womb Healers Teacher Training

  • WhatsApp group for sharing, accountability, facilitated support and teachings

    What is the cost?

  • The full program is $7500, payment plan $1250 x 6

Who is this for?

This program is for people who are ready to invest in their business, and/or embodied pleasure financially, mentally, and physically and who have worked not only with the dark Goddess but also in therapy with any traumatic events that have impacted them (understandably,) in way that destabilized mental and emotional well being. You want to approach this work assuming activation, but also feeling ready to expand which will naturally bring shit up. We will give you the tools for regulation and support you need, so we’re not worried about you at all, just want to give you a clear sense if this is for you or not.

This is for those of you that know you want to do a business and pleasure training that includes a womb healing teacher training which is a whole initiation with the goddess, and look really, directly looking at your business and helping decolonize your body from whatever capitalism, patriarchy, bullshit and getting your work out there!

For people who've done a lot of trainings already. You’re already professionals. You already have a business, or you’re on the edge, and are ready to like commit to creating something during this time.

This isn't another training. This is to do the thing in business!!

We can also help you pay this off by the end of the training (if you choose the payment plan option) - if that feels fun for you.

“Working with Adriana changed my life.

Her fierce heart holds so much power and wisdom - especially as it pertains to nervous system, somatics and authentic relating.

The guidance she offers in business and lineage healing is absolutely worth it - if you are looking for support to make bold moves in your life, work, and relationships, Adriana is it.

I cant recommend working with her enough!”

—EMMA ZECK | Soul Artist, Teacher, musician + Poet

As soon as I got involved, I knew I had landed in the right place and the more material I looked at, and the more I saw what Adriana posted online, I thought “yes, yes, yes!”

I would say to anyone considering joining Adriana or one of her trainings: You’ve landed in the most wonderful place and to really go for it.

Even if you can’t envision yourself teaching, the process itself was so beautiful, in terms of meeting aspects of myself that I didn’t know they wanted to be expressed, and how being encouraged to move-- as Adriana teaches it, is so empowering!”

-CHARLEMAGNE | Tarot deck Author, Intuitive Creator & BTD Teacher

This training changed the way I moved through this cosmic experience.

The profound, rooted, loving and open-hearted teaching by Adriana has been something I didn’t experience in former trainings. 

I felt supported, seen and held. Now I feel self confident, sexy (in a full body way), and trust my own wisdom.

Today I offer my own Body Temple Dances, hold space and couldn’t be more grateful for the medicine I am allowed to share.

Adriana’s energy is such a blast. It feels like listening to fierce, soft, wild, holy, spicy wisdom. Never sugar coated, always full of love.

-JUDITH BINIAS | Movement + Ritual Healer & BTD Teacher

Listen to this testimonial by one of our amazing teachers-therapist and wild woman Jackie Paulson who has experience in this work together.

“While working together, Adriana holds you accountable with fierce love, compassion, and respect.

She creates a beautiful space for exploration and evolution, and the teachings and tools she provides will serve you endlessly. If you’re feeling called to step into a new phase of life fueled with passion and guided by the heart, dive into mentorship with Adriana. Her fearless leadership, authenticity, and support will ignite a sacred fire of transformation.”



Do I need to have my own business to sign up for this program?
This program is inclusive of all the multi-layered stages of entrepreneurship. Come as you are. This program will support you exactly where you are at. There will be badass business leaders, vision holders, healers, teachers, therapists, idea weavers, folks moving through rites of life passages and dissolution and re-building on this journey alongside you. We are here to hold council for each other and inspire and rise together. No matter where you are, we will grow together from here.

Does this program include 1:1 support with Adriana?
Yes! This is Adriana’s most in-depth program guiding a small intimate group of 6 people through a powerfully transformative process. There will be 1 1:1 session but most of the 1:1 work will happen in the group container. This is not a training to take if you want to hide in a group. You matter here. This is not just another group coaching program. This is for folks who are devoted to diving deep and making a difference in their lives and the world at large. You will be seen, heard, witnessed, challenged and supported. Adriana will be available to guide you and your individual journey.

Will there be a strong sense of community support?
Absolutely! We will have a weekly group call focusing on teaching and mutual support and sharing. There will be weekend retreats, one each month, to immerse into a deep process with each other. And beyond that we will always be connected through our shared and very easy-to-use community platform Mighty Networks which can be used on your phone.

Is this a feminine leadership program?
Yes and, not in the ways where we exclude others. This is a program for all women and folks with vaginas. While we believe that safe containers for marginalized communities are absolutely necessary, this program is a council approach to leadership — in which we explore how we might create a new paradigm of leadership with everyone on the table. Societal and relational themes are welcome to arise in order to work through them together, with the utmost awareness around privilege and oppression. We welcome any and all folks who are willing to meet us here, who are willing to take an honest look at themselves and our collective constellations.

Are there payment plan options to join this program?
Yes. Please reach out to us to connect about payment plans here: support@bodytemple.church
We also offera discounted rate for BIPOC friends.

Adriana Rizzolo

Adriana Rizzolo is the founder of Body Temple Church, Power of Love School, and the creator of Body Temple Dance. She is a spiritual mentor, somatic healer, writer, adult sex educator, and guide for the great unknown.

Adriana’s offerings have developed through many years of experience with therapeutic yoga training, voice and movement training, trauma release training and somatic education, intimacy and relational healing, devotional practice and study in Tantra & Bhakti Yoga, lived experience “doing the work,” 11 years of sobriety and healing from personal & familial trauma.

Adriana helps people heal trauma and patterns of helplessness, awaken their power, and feel at home in their bodies to start living life in alignment with their soul’s truth. Through her many years of coaching, teaching, and facilitation, she has helped thousands of people around the world awaken to their aliveness.