A self-paced MINI COURSE $44

shameless goddess

Ready to free your authentic expression and voice with the support of kali and heal shame and experience how much pleasure is available from within your own body?

It’s natural for people to be afraid to connect to their sexual energy because we’ve been taught to fear our bodies and our power.

This is a reclamation.

We all experience things like low libido and long-term safe relationships, a lack of creative inspiration, pelvic health issues, and all kinds of issues that are connected to our moon cycles.

This practice is a powerful way to reconnect with your true and inherent worth and love. It helps you understand the profound significance of the Goddess Kali, while exploring consent and developing a healthier relationship with your sexual energy. Use the 5-minute Body Temple Activation Practice for emotional regulation and a somatic reset practice whenever you feel triggered.

Learn how to set a boundary for yourself and unleash your authentic expression in your sex life, creative pursuits, and soul’s purpose.

Open to all genders as connecting to our sexual energy, healthy aggression, and freedom of expression is a need felt by all.

the Shameless Goddess mini-course is for you if you want to….  

🌹 Connect with your true essence and the Divinity with you

🌹 Learn how to trust yourself and the wisdom of your body

🌹 Uncover and re-integrate hidden aspects of yourself

🌹 Discover and USE your authentic voice

🌹 Create a nourishing embodiment practice

🌹 Share your gifts with the world


What do you get:

🌹 Mother of the Sword Workshop with Adriana and Varsha Choudhari

Kali wants us to express, her tongue signifies FREEDOM, and her nakedness is wild, untameable and undomesticated

In this 1 hour class:

Explore your connection to Kali as the Mother

What is she trying to teach you?

Is her long, red tonguea representation of FREEDOM?

The tongue is speech!! The tongue is inspiration, freedom of speech, and fierceness–rage and anger transmuted.

🌹 Body Temple activation practice

Explore this short 5 minute regulation practice to work with your shadow when triggered.

🌹 Sexual Energy Embodiment Meditation

Invoke the energy of Lalita - the divine feminine power of sexuality and orgasmic energy of the energy

In this gentle and nourishing meditation:

We’ll be focusing on generating sexual energy + using it to cleanse and clear your body energetically

Cultivating a nourishing connection to the great power that you hold within


Half of the procedes from the sales of the Shameless Goddess mini-course go to Varsha’s Awakened Living Center in Pune, India that provides psychotherapy and spiritual counseling to women, children and men who struggle with addiction.

  • “Adriana is a skilled practitioner and guide, speaking from a depth of wisdom and experience that is rarely encountered. Just listening to her speak or guide kirtan is a special frontier of the heart. Her immediate and exact presence weaves itself throughout the course and leaves no stone unturned where undoubtedl, many have left them or cast them aside for too long.”

    Anna Elizabeth

  • "Work with Adriana. I cannot say it anymore directly and simply. She is magic. She will absolutely change how you walk in the world. Even after an hour, you will feel more love for yourself and everyone else. She is my colleague and friend and I feel beyond blessed to be in any circle she is facilitating. I am infinitely more available and alive when I’m moving with Adriana. Don’t miss a chance to work with her.” -Heidi Rose Robbins

  • “I would say to anyone considering joining Adriana or one of her trainings: You’ve landed in the most wonderful place and to really go for it. If nothing else, if you just take this-it is exceedingly empowering, and you will come out of that with a sense of body love, appreciation and connection to body, mind, spirit--It’s beautiful work.”



I’m Adriana and I am here to hold Love Herself as the highest guiding light in our lives. Learning how to stay centered, and how to find your center in the midst of chaos and change…is our specialty.

Given the state of the world, it makes sense that we have to commit to the inner work to be able to access the joy, worth, play, pleasure, and purpose that is our birthright.

Freedom and love live within, and the body is a vessel to allow the Love of Source to move into this world.

Adriana Rizzolo

Varsha is a homoeopathic doctor, psychologist, meditation teacher, poet, mother of two beautiful daughters, owner of a counseling center, Awakened Living, and lives in Pune, India.

She is classically trained in Eastern Nondual philosophy. She uses practical aspects and wisdom of both eastern philosophy as well as modern western psychology to help her clients to come out of depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction and have wonderful relationship in worldly life.

To find out more about Varsha, please visit: Awakened Living Counseling Center or you can follow Varsha at IG: @varsha.a.choudhari

DR Varsha Choudhari

Kali gives us the power to embody our boundaries and build them from within as well as find greater confidence in our expression, giving us the courage to relate to the sensitivity and power we carry in our sexuality, sensuality and experience of being in a body.

When we're working with activation of fear or shame in our nervous system, knowing it doesn't always remedy it - but feeling it can change our experience of relationship completely.