Divine Desire Series

Thank you for being part of this 4-week series. Below are the recordings for each week.

Tiffany and I really want to affirm that we want to hear from you!

Please reach out to one of us as you go through these practices, so that your experience can be seen and witnessed.

Adriana’s email: support@bodytemple.church

Tiffany’s email: Hello@tiffanysabrina.com


Quick links

Click the week and the colored writing for that week’s video


Week One: Love, Sex & Affirming what you do know

To begin this series, we sit with the knowledge that there may be so much to our bodies that we do not fully know—and that there may also be a deeper understanding that does know these practices.

That we can always enter and approach the body with deep reverence and holiness to who we are, what we desire and the bodies we reclaim.

We really have to learn to approach and move slow—within this practice of learning and approaching the G Spot AND also bringing the focus of slowing down in our lives, too.

Class notes:

Here is the written out mantra that Tiffany Hamilton-Atkins shares:

“Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya. Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya. Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih.“

Week Three: Yoni Steam practice with Asma Nasr

This week we are treated with a special practice by teacher, healer + guide, Asma Nasr in a beginner’s Yoni Steam practice.

Before watching this video, you can revisit our email here on ways to prepare for your Yoni Steam (or foot bath), and which herbs Asma suggests in using for this.

To learn more about Asma’s work, for 1:1 sessions or if you’d like to connect with Asma, please email at: asmaonasr@gmail.com


Week Two: Relationship to Money, Worth and Belonging

What are you here for?

What do you desire?

This week, we take a dance practice, the G Spot mapping practice, and meditation to tune into what you are here for—not to decide, but allow it to “uncover”.

Let the body be the teacher to our unconscious mind.


Week Four: Your Creative Flow

For our final session, we play with and explore the topics of our creative energies and how these are actually held within our wombs.

How can we keep loving, creating and holding our finger on the pulse of what matters to us—and know it’s not others’ jobs are to do that for us.

This is a deep honoring practice of love—a love that no other human being can give us.