the risk of intimacy

ritual Theater as relational healing: collective and embodied love

practicing the art of being seen

with Adriana Rizzolo & Friends

November 22’nd-24’th

live in-person retreat in new york city



For artists, creatives, and individuals seeking to learn about movement, sound, somatic meditation, and being seen.

These practices offer a path to connecting with our truth and accessing greater confidence. For those who are teaching, sharing their voice through music, art (in any medium,) that know how healing and terrifying it is to create and put yourself out there.

Through addressing attachment wounds and the edges we have around being seen, we can cultivate a deeper sense of self and navigate the risks involved in intimacy.

It's important to acknowledge that our nervous system may still be impacted by these disturbances. For anyone who loves and is also terrified in being seen. Who wants to practice being vulnerable with confidence.

Being our authentic selves relentlessly and letting everything else flow from there is where it’s at…but how do we do that exactly?

I know you know how we do it, and it ain’t alone!

This retreat is for people who are ready to step into a whole new relationship with the healers that they are through the body.

Through play, grieving and going to our direct relationship with the Great mystery Herself. Not as in to “get” anything, but become more here, more alive, more able to act in service to love.

Throughout the weekend we will be practicing ways to unlock creative energy by exploring different improvisational exercises including Body Temple Dance, ritual theatre and intimacy and inner yoga practices.

We will learn and practice the languages of the body and perform group rituals.

We will explore the role of the nervous system in the choices we make (or don’t,) together we will build a sacred container for shifts to happen easily and naturally.

This weekend retreat will be a rite of passage out of the patriarchal ways of praying and living in devotion to love and into the feminine path of right relationship and aliveness.

You will walk away with tools and a community that is upholding both ancient and new ways of worship and owning what we want, in service to uplifting humanity and creating with care and a heart-centered clarity.

The topics we will cover will be rage, grief, sexuality, belonging, aliveness, and how we only need our body and community to heal and transform adversity into the medicine we carry to create and give birth to new worlds.

Guided by Adriana Rizzolo, and the community of teachers/healers (list of facilitators and collaborators will be announced before retreat)

This retreat is open and past teacher trainees get a big discount.

*If you haven’t attended Body Temple but want to come please email us because we would really love to have you there, or join the Temple of Shakti Membership.

Community Love

“It feels so validating to acknowledge both spirit and the body. Life and death. The web of both. Not balanced, intertwined!”

“I love the idea of letting go of balance and leaning into finding the best mix for me.”

““Feels so good to be here, nourishing after being go go go.”

“My time in Body Temple allowed me to meet in a place I had been afraid to venture.
It allowed me to expand my capacity by truly meeting, holding, and loving on.”

“I am seeing that focusing on my body sensations can give me a path to reconnect with my inner child and my SELF. I've been pressing myself into a tiny box for so long, I'm struggling to find her (me). This can be MY path!

 “No matter what your age, or if you have never danced in your life, Adriana’s Body Temple Dance opened my body to a new way of loving. In one dance I began to open to my wisdom, my Crone and my connection to Mother Earth. I felt FREE. I had come home to the joy of the wild ride to life.”