Mother of the Sword 

Exploring the Goddess Kali to transform shame and fear into true expression rooted in love.

October 18th 9-10:30am PST

Join Dr Varsha Choudhari and Adriana Rizzolo for a Body Temple class focused on the oftentimes misunderstood flavor of the Divine Mother called Kali.

In our time together we will look at ways to dismantle our internalized patriarchy and assumptions we carry around what it means to own our true power, which in essence is our deep sensitivity and capacity to create and express from a true and authentic place.

In this somatic movement workshop, you’ll explore the Goddess Kali, and learn how to release fear and resentment specifically when it comes to your sexuality and spirituality.

Kali is not about being crazy, she calls us to our core. Our center. Where only Love can thrive.

She calls us to make meaning with all that we wrestle with—both challenges and blessings. She is the blessing we receive that is this precious life.

In order to birth a new world, we need to learn how to suffer in ways that support our lives. I know this sounds crazy, but as humans we suffer and we need to know what to do with it, to stop hiding it and let ourselves be raw and naked in our expression in some moments so we can refine and have discernment in others.

This workshop is about expression and letting ourselves be messy about it for the sake of finding our center.

Kali is about pure expression. There is a fierce love within each of us that knows what right relationship looks like and what it takes. She gives us the strength and softness to let go and be led by Spirit. She frees us of the shame and guilt we've inherited and awakens our ability to listen and see others and ourselves more clearly.

Together we will create a powerful container to pray for Kali to ignite the power to express ourselves and our truth, not just with anger but from the most tender places inside.

We are creating a world where all people know they matter and we don't ignore the ways we've been hurt and have hurt others. We choose to lean on the collective power of love to heal and awaken. 

This workshop is for you if you want to:

❤ learn how to decolonize your body and mind from the effects of fear and white feminism which doesn't take others experiences into consideration

❤ welcome your wounding to work with you as opposed to against you

❤ learn about Kali from a traditional Vedic perspective and how to worship her in your life and spiritual practice

❤ explore embodiment practices that create a sense of regulation and safety to open to your deeper truths and voice

❤ release the ways fear/resentment and stress hold you hostage when it comes to your relationships including your sexuality and spirituality

❤ have fun and bring more play, pure love and curiosity into your spiritual practice

ignite your power

ignite your power

As the founder of Body Temple, spiritual mentor, somatic healer, sex educator for women, trans* and non binary folks, speaker, grief and aliveness doula, Tantric meditation, energy healing and embodied movement facilitator, Adriana helps people heal trauma and patterns of helplessness, awaken their power and feel at home in their bodies to start living life in alignment with their souls offerings and sexy, secure relationships.

Adriana created the Power of Love School after a massive awakening initiating her into the mystical transmission of the Divine Feminine in India in 2013. Her intuitive coaching and healing is super fun and supports people in groups and 1:1 through writing, teaching, somatic practice, chanting and guidance. 

Her relentless devotion to sobriety and all her teachings are rooted in traditional Tantra and healing her lived experiences growing up around addiction and suicide. 

She believes that if we can learn to be willing to keep our eyes open in moments of unbearable pain, we will be taken to the dream and desire within us that originated in God.

She is now writing a book on healing addiction and abandonment on the path of transforming pain into purpose, has a dance healing ritual and relationship school online called Body Temple Church that certifies teachers to lead through movement, sound and imagination.

Adriana lives in Ojai, California with her partner and his two children, and joyously travels worldwide spreading the vibration of unconditional love found in the holy human heart and body.

IG: @artofloving

Dr. Varsha Choudary

Varsha is a homoeopathic doctor, psychologist, meditation teacher, poet, mother of two beautiful daughters, owner of a counseling center, Awakened Living, and lives in Pune, India.

She is classically trained in Eastern Nondual philosophy. She uses practical aspects and wisdom of both eastern philosophy as well as modern western psychology to help her clients to come out of depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction and have wonderful relationships in worldly life.

To find out more about Varsha, please visit: Awakened Living Counseling Center or you can follow Varsha at IG: @varsha.a.choudhari

Adriana Rizzolo

Your Guides