July ‘24 - March ‘25
9-month Body Temple Dance Facilitation Training + Mentorship
A somatic and spiritual mentorship to awaken your next layer of purpose, pleasure, and passion
For the healers, coaches, therapists, sacred rebels, the artists who came to create change, the lovers who refuse to play small.
In Body Temple Community we affirm the human experience for the sake of liberation, both personal and collective.
The school Body Temple and this body of work that flows through us is the service I have been initiated into.
I have been training and studying the languages of the body and esoteric knowledge, somatic and spiritual work for 17 years and training others to facilitate for 8 of those years.
I am endlessly blown away by how much more is possible when we come together to heal, transform and take our work out into the communities where we are meant to serve.
When you are a deeply feminine being, meaning you care about the ways we are all interconnected and choose to live from a space of relatedness…
you need strong containers and boundaries to hold all the Shakti and what wants to be birthed through you.
Together, we learn how imperative co-regulation is with nature, in community and with Source Herself.