Tantra Day Retreat

an exploration in dissolution + Embodiment

with Adriana rizzolo and harshada Wagner

May 20th, 10 am - 1:30 pm PDT

(Virtual Retreat. Live & recorded)

Do you want to dive deeper into the healing mysteries of Tantra, somatic work, and the Goddess?

  • When it comes to self love and service we need Embodiment AND dissolution, surrender and an ego in service to the soul.

    Adriana Rizzolo

This day retreat is for humans who want to create change by having a deeper connection and greater access to their internal power of love, strengthening their connection to GoD’s benevolent grace through Tantric teachings, and learning how to work with any freeze in the nervous system with breathwork and movement.

Adriana and Harshada will guide you through two sets of practices designed to deepen both your meditation and embodiment of Love. Then there will be ample amount of time to ask questions, share your experience, and be involved in the community. Teaching from the Shiva Sutras, a traditional Tantric text as well as mantra meditation will be offered. We will have time for questions and coaching, as well as breaks and practical ways to bridge the gap between your meditation and flow states and your day-to-days living experience.

A sacred space for you to explore & Experience the basics of body temple and big heart practice and methods.

Together we will explore:

What does embodiment mean in the context of our spiritual practice? How do we dance in both dissolution and being humans here to serve?

taking a leap together in Self love is a lifelong journey of liberation.

How Embodiment and dissolution are both medicines we can bring into our practice including Specific practices for both.

How do we really know if we are spiritually bypassing? what does that even mean?

Body Temple is a way to hone your skills as an alchemist.

Working with the elements inside and all around. The body is nature, as the moon. Transforming the subconscious beliefs that keep our stuff through the nervous system working.

Body temple is a wholistic meditation and movement language and practice that welcomes both the shadow and divinity. big heart meditation takes you to the direct expereince of your true nature, give you the permission to find the satisfaction in our interconnectedness, in spirit and in your own soul.

come be you, with us

May 20th, 10 am - 1:30 pm PT

This retreat is also for people who want to dive deeper into healing any disconnect between them and their bodies.

YOur guides:

Adriana and Harshada have a combined 40 years of teaching experience and are looking forward to sharing Tantric Meditation alongside the physical and energetic anatomy of the body.

Together we will take time and give ourselves to the practice of stillness and movement. Accessing energy in stillness and center in movement.

We have created a system drawing from the mystical traditions of yoga and Tantra as well as physiology and understanding how we can access the Divine inside to help us stand in our power as individuals here to connect.

Community Love

“It feels so validating to acknowledge both spirit and the body. Life and death. The web of both. Not balanced, intertwined!”

“I love the idea of letting go of balance and leaning into finding the best mix for me.”

““Feels so good to be here, nourishing after being go go go.”

“My time in Body Temple allowed me to meet in a place I had been afraid to venture.
It allowed me to expand my capacity by truly meeting, holding, and loving on.”

“I am seeing that focusing on my body sensations can give me a path to reconnect with my inner child and my SELF. I've been pressing myself into a tiny box for so long, I'm struggling to find her (me). This can be MY path!

 “No matter what your age, or if you have never danced in your life, Adriana’s Body Temple Dance opened my body to a new way of loving. In one dance I began to open to my wisdom, my Crone and my connection to Mother Earth. I felt FREE. I had come home to the joy of the wild ride to life.”


our online Tantra retreat

