birthing a new world of intimacy we’ve never seen
When it comes to love, and for the purpose of this post I’m sharing more about romantic relationship, although the patterns of codependency weave themselves into many and all relational dynamics.
When I say codependency I don’t say it with a tone of shame, blame or judgment but as an opportunity to see ourselves more clearly. A chance to get to know the culture of control we’ve been indoctrinated into, and find the path where we can unlearn what we were taught that just plain out isn’t working for anybody.
When we are not in partnership we are embracing the idea of who we are in our wholeness not in reflection to another. When we are in partnership or partnerships, we are learning how to stay whole, or rather return to wholeness which is the more accurate statement, while taking in the needs, considerations and acknowledgment of another or others.
This seems to be the challenge of our time to embody our liberation and spirituality. It is no smooth path, for sure we learn through the fires of initiation and the many little and big deaths that occur.
I do find there to be relief and satisfaction found beyond what we’ve been taught and what we’ve seen when it comes to either finding wholeness alone or when in partnership.
In my experience both have been pretty excruciating, maybe it’s all my Libra replacements in the eighth house (Scorpio,) but for sure I’ve learned a lot about the shadows of both avoidant and anxious attachment, and the many ways that we take on both—even how they change according to the moment and who are relating to.
It’s useful to bring these parts into a conversation, into performance even if possible in a safe and playful place. So much of the work we do in our deeper trainings and one on one coaching is giving permission to those parts to be seen and witnessed and therefore have less control and command over the patterns we find ourselves in relationally, but also generally in our lives.
For anyone wanting to do the “work.”
Have a read through out our book ‘I Love You So Much I Could Die,’ exploring the world of codependency and co-creating new embodied lovers ship at this time on this planet earth.
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and for a guided practice for your inner child and relational repair click here.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Adriana + Body Temple Community