web of love

An online and recorded workshop

FEBRUARY 17th 2023, 8.00-9.30 am PST

I heard somewhere that if you don’t where or who to serve, to find what breaks your heart and start there. Many things have broken me open over the years, nothing as much as my role of being a single mother of 3.

Join Brandy Cunningham for a Body Temple Dance class for Single Mothers

The pain, the isolation, the financial struggle. The dysregulation of carrying more than I had the capacity for; of having to override my body most days. Knowing my kids were suffering because of choices I made. Needing help but, not even knowing where to start or who to ask. Most days, I was so overwhelmed, it just felt easier not to ask.  

I was never short on love for my kids, but always short on resources.

The truth is, it feels like it’s too much BECAUSE IT IS.

People would constantly say, “Oh wow you have your hands full. I don’t know how you do it.”

And neither did I. I never knew. But, I knew I didn’t have a choice.

To this day, when ANYONE tells me I’m doing a good job or I’m a great mother…I CRY.

I’m crying now as I type this. I have felt SO UNSEEN.

This is why I want to create this space for you. For us.

We were never meant to do this alone.

Please come be with us in SACRED CIRCLE.

To be seen and held. To feel nourished and resourced, so that you can love from a FULL CUP.

So that we can bring back the village that we all needed. WE DESERVE IT.


Join us on December 23rd for a Virtual Body Temple Dance class, followed by sharing and opportunities to give and receive support.

Our hope is that we can form a WEB OF LOVE so big and so wide, that all of us have a soft place to land when we need it.

“to see yourself in everyone and to realize that everyone is in you is the supreme aim of spiritual knowledge”

Anandamayi ma―

Brandy cunningham

I have been on a path of discovery for 25 years.

One of the most powerful tools I have used along the way is this: OPENING MY MOUTH AND TELLING THE TRUTH. Even when I feel afraid to let people see me. Even when I feel like I might be rejected. Even when I feel totally underserving of love.

When I do this, it loosens the hold that shame has on me, allows me to feel worthy of receiving love no matter what and helps me to see that I AM NOT ALONE.