Grief, loss & Aliveness

A free three-part online series (starts when you sign up).

How does loss and facing freeze in our system help us live more fully and love more freely?

How are you being asked to anchor in the ancient wisdom found in the perception of aliveness and on the landscapes of grief and awe?

My initiation into animism (besides the insane amount of LSD and psychedelics I did in high school) came at the foot of my father’s deathbed. As I stood there in a strange sense of shock and relief, learning for the first time about his addiction, feeling my whole construct of life dismantle mantra came to me, seemingly, out of nowhere.

When I buried my father on my 25th birthday, there was a shock that sent waves through my life, a bell that could not be un-rung. The more I allowed the waves left in the wake of loss, over the past 16 years, the greater I feel a part of everything.

If we grow up around chaos, addiction, or dysfunction of any kind, to withstand the intense pain of living with insanity and to have any sense of ok-ness, we had to deny our feelings and hide our vulnerability. Now, every loss or encounter with some new way of being (even positive ones,) for most of us will bring up a layer of this loss to be loved.

This is how we find true belonging both in learning to meet our own needs and confidently express ourselves creatively and in relationships (imperfectly always). From here we extend belonging out like rays from the sun, and true inclusivity is birthed. Not as a performance but as an act of radical compassion for all parts and people. Sign up below to receive a three-day series via your email with video, writing and audio practices to work with grief and loss in the body.

*When you sign up you will be taken to the training immediately! You can listen in now as you move about your day or save the page for later! Don’t wait for the perfect moment just do it.


”Adriana’s wisdom around sex, money, and death and her willingness to dive into these topics with me was appreciated. She supported me in rewriting the stories I have about them in a grounded way”. —Colby

This class is for you if you:

🌹 Are actively grieving the loss of a loved one, relationship, aspect of self, career, life stage, even those entering some new and amazing part of life that still holds a sense of loss luring them into a relationship with the Great Mystery of the body

🌹Crave a more subtle and mystical approach to nervous system work/getting out of your head and into your body

🌹 Are desiring more harmony in relationships with others and the world

🌹 Want to learn more about Tantra + ancestral attachment wounding

🌹Are ready to sink into a layer of your vulnerability with confidence

🌹 Want to gain a sense that you are not alone in your aloneness

🌹 Can sense that love is the way and want to affirm that reality into your life today

What you get:

🌹 Practical tools to work with the wounding that arises and normalize the perception you already carry that love and wisdom are not separate from who we are

🌹 A series of emails breaking down the lived experience of loss and how it affects your nervous system and soul, and how to embody the blessings that await you on the other side of it (without rushing of course.) Time doesn’t exist in this reality and so often the sorrow is right there next to profound sensitivity to pleasure and aliveness

🌹 Offerings that will help you learn more about grief work as the path of embodied aliveness and even pleasure activism

🌹 An opportunity to return home to yourself

Our core wounding and abandonment goes past the ways our parents could or couldn’t emotionally be there (although that is a way to work with our patterns,) it’s an ancestral loss that lingers when we find ourselves in the midst of a continuous letting go. It is a bath that brings us back to living, a recognition of how to be in this body while so much suffering is present. This journey is a relentless pull to the ways we heal in relationships and in community.

We create the world through the states we experience that arise from our autonomic nervous system. The energy that we are being asked to process needs the appropriate space and guidance. May this class offer you that and take you into the sweet embrace of a Love that only the stars in the night sky can ultimately hold. The potency of living in relationship to the whole is part of our path of anchoring the frequency of wholeness amidst uncertainty.

Join Adriana in this pre - recorded hour-long heartfelt training on loss, grief & death, and how to be with it in your spiritual and somatic practice. You can listen or watch, but whatever you do let all of you be held inside the vibration of unconditional Love as you receive it.

It takes support to live in relationship to the great Mystery of Love. And when times get thick, we go deeper. How do we work with the complexity of desire on the spiritual path? Spiritual bros always comment how healthy attachment doesn’t exist, and the priests will remind you that desire is the root of all evil. We know that ain’t it, but it’s not a free for all.

The container was a perfect mirror, and somewhere I could be fully held. Adriana’s wisdom was reassuring and encouraging. Over time she led me to places I’d never been before, slowly unraveling trauma and stories in my body”.  — Maria Falbo

“No matter what your age, or if you have never danced in your life, Adriana’s Body Temple Dance opened my body to a new way of loving. In one dance I began to open to my wisdom, my Crone and my connection to Mother Earth. I felt FREE. I had come home to the joy of the wild ride to life.” — Karin

“The training brought me back to myself. To my sense of belonging, worthiness, and innate love as a human.” - Katie

meet Adriana


meet Adriana *

Adriana Rizzolo is the founder of Body Temple Church, Power of Love School, and the creator of Body Temple Dance. She is a spiritual mentor, somatic healer, writer, adult sex educator, and guide for the great unknown.

Adriana’s offerings have developed through many years of experience with therapeutic yoga training, voice and movement training, trauma release training and somatic education, intimacy and relational healing, devotional practice and study in Tantra & Bhakti Yoga, lived experience “doing the work,” 11 years of sobriety and healing from personal & familial trauma.

Adriana helps people heal trauma and patterns of helplessness, awaken their power, and feel at home in their bodies to start living life in alignment with their soul’s truth. Through her many years of coaching, teaching, and facilitation, she has helped thousands of people around the world awaken to their aliveness.