LoveSeva Collective
The LOVESEVA Collective is a non-profit collaboration between Indian and international spiritual teachers, pastors, and healers that seeks to help people deepen their connection to the God of their understanding while promoting personal freedom, equality, wellbeing, service, and love.
Based in Pune, India, LOVESEVA is the brainchild of David Harshada Wagner, Adriana Rizzolo, Amol Choudhari, and Varsha Choudhari. Adriana and David both are well known and respected teachers of yoga and practical spirituality have longstanding friendships with Amol and Varsha and both have deep roots in India. The aim is to provide a bridge between David and Adriana’s communities of western students with the people they’re serving in India.
*Please be sure to add a note “For Pune” or “LoveSEVA” for your donation!
How Your Donations Help!
Our goal is to connect with groups of people who are currently unseen and underserved and offer them low or no-cost courses in self empowerment, free one-on-one counseling and mentoring sessions, and provide uplifting events of prayer and meditation, training and gathering.
We work with young, unmarried men and women, LGBTQ people, sex workers, the children of sex workers, the mentally ill, addicts in recovery, and others who are outcaste, alone, and misunderstood by society.
Donations will be used to pay for various aspects of the project:
We will host dynamic events for large groups in Pune and surrounding areas.
Donations will pay for the rental of meeting spaces, and feeding of participants. This includes the cost of the food, the catering, as well as the transportation of the caterers. We want there to be food at everything we do! We’re in discussion with a group of former sex workers who now have a small catering company.
Funds will also go to pay for counseling and mentoring services, Ayurvedic treatments for people who would not be able to afford these services on their own.
We will also sponsor special guest teachers and pastors who can come to offer specialized trainings.
Two of LOVESEVA co-founders, Varsha Choudhari & Adriana Rizzolo.
*Please be sure to add a note “For Pune” or “LoveSEVA” for your donation!
LOVESEVA’s core motto is:
Love God, Serve Each Other.
Serve God, Love Each Other.
Co-founder David Harshada Wagner and our So’Cal LOVESEVA community, where we bring our mission to the SkidRow community as well.
Loving God means knowing God, learning how to connect with God, listen to God and have a personal relationship with God.
Serving Each Other is about making our spirituality practical and putting it into action seeing, loving, and taking care of our fellow human beings.
Serving God means doing the work to bring “God’s Kingdom” into reality and learning how, as lovers of God, to live in a way that reflects wisdom, forgiveness, love and victory.
Loving Each Other means learning to see beyond our prejudices and judgments to truly serve. We strive to see beyond differences between people of different religions, ethnicities, castes, sexual orientations or social status.
The leaders and teachers in our collective are Christian, Hindu, Yogi and Muslim. The people we serve come from many different communities and backgrounds.
The name of our collective, like the collective itself is a joint between two words, one English and one Sanskrit.
Love is not used flippantly here.
We understand Love to be there very nature of God.
Love is an essential element in every human life and the greatest indication of a healthy spirituality. The Sanskrit word Seva means service and has a connotation of selfless service or sacred service or sacrificial service. It is used in many Indian languages including Marathi.
As this project grows, we will form a charitable trust in India as well as a not-for-profit organization based in the US. For now, we’re just planting the seeds! AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Currently the exchange rate between dollars and rupees is 1/69.
A feast for 300 people can cost around 20,000 rupees which is less than 300 US dollars!
So your donations - even small ones - go a LONG way. Other things like vehicle rentals and plane tickets cost more, but in general this is a very lean operation. Every rupee we collect will be going directly into the project.
Click below to donate and please reach out with any questions at:
*Please be sure to add a note “For Pune” or “LoveSEVA” for your donation!